Bay Village, Ohio Weather by Month

Bay Village is a suburban city situated in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, United States. Located approximately 15 miles west of downtown Cleveland, Bay Village rests on the southern shore of Lake Erie, which significantly influences its climate and recreational opportunities. The city spans an area of 7.06 square miles, of which 4.48 square miles is land and 2.58 square miles is water. As of the latest census, Bay Village has a population of about 15,000 residents.

Bay Village is well-regarded for its excellent school system and family-friendly environment. It is home to several notable landmarks, including the Huntington Reservation, a popular destination within the Cleveland Metroparks system that offers beach access, picnic areas, and trails. The city also features the Lake Erie Nature & Science Center, providing educational programs and wildlife exhibits.

Climate and Weather Overview

Bay Village experiences a humid continental climate characterized by four distinct seasons: cold, snowy winters and warm, humid summers. The city’s proximity to Lake Erie plays a crucial role in moderating temperatures and influencing precipitation patterns. Winters can be particularly harsh due to lake-effect snow, while summers are typically warm with occasional thunderstorms.

Average Monthly Climate Data

Month Average Temperature (°F) Average Precipitation (inches) Average Sunny Days
January 28.1 2.3 11
February 30.2 2.0 10
March 39.5 2.8 12
April 50.4 3.3 12
May 60.8 3.6 14
June 70.5 3.9 14
July 74.5 3.8 14
August 73.3 3.5 13
September 66.5 3.8 12
October 54.5 2.8 14
November 43.7 2.9 10
December 32.0 2.7 9

Weather by Month


January in Bay Village is typically the coldest month of the year, with average temperatures hovering around 28.1°F. The city experiences frequent snowfall, often influenced by lake-effect snow from Lake Erie. Average precipitation for January is about 2.3 inches, mostly in the form of snow. The month sees approximately 11 sunny days, offering some relief from the otherwise overcast conditions.

Activities: Indoor activities such as visiting the Bay Village Branch Library, taking fitness classes at local community centers, or enjoying indoor sports facilities are recommended. Outdoor enthusiasts can engage in winter sports like ice skating or sledding at Huntington Reservation.

Natural Disasters: Lake-effect snow can sometimes lead to severe snowstorms, causing travel disruptions and power outages.


February remains cold in Bay Village, with average temperatures slightly rising to 30.2°F. Snowfall continues, though slightly less intense than in January, with an average precipitation of 2.0 inches. There are about 10 sunny days in February.

Activities: Similar to January, indoor activities are preferred. Residents can also celebrate Valentine’s Day at local restaurants or cafes. Outdoor ice fishing on Lake Erie is a unique experience for those who enjoy braving the cold.

Natural Disasters: Occasional severe snowstorms are still a concern due to lake-effect snow.


March marks the beginning of the transition to spring, with average temperatures rising to 39.5°F. The city receives around 2.8 inches of precipitation, with a mix of rain and snow. There are typically 12 sunny days in March.

Activities: As the weather begins to warm, outdoor activities like hiking or bird-watching at the Lake Erie Nature & Science Center become more appealing. Indoor activities remain popular, especially on colder days.

Natural Disasters: Early spring storms can bring heavy, wet snow or ice, causing power outages and hazardous travel conditions.


April sees a significant warming trend, with average temperatures reaching 50.4°F. Precipitation increases to about 3.3 inches, mainly as rain. There are around 12 sunny days in April.

Activities: Springtime activities like gardening, attending outdoor events, and visiting local parks are popular. The annual Bay Village Easter Egg Hunt is a highlight for families.

Natural Disasters: Flooding can occur due to heavy spring rains, particularly in low-lying areas.


May is characterized by mild and pleasant weather, with average temperatures of 60.8°F. Precipitation remains steady at 3.6 inches. The month enjoys approximately 14 sunny days.

Activities: Outdoor activities like hiking, biking, and attending community events are highly recommended. The Huntington Reservation is particularly beautiful in May, offering various recreational opportunities.

Natural Disasters: Thunderstorms can bring heavy rain, lightning, and occasionally, hail.


June ushers in summer with average temperatures around 70.5°F. The city receives about 3.9 inches of precipitation, often from thunderstorms. There are about 14 sunny days in June.

Activities: Beach activities at Huntington Beach, boating on Lake Erie, and attending outdoor festivals are popular in June. The warmer weather also makes it an ideal time for picnics and barbecues.

Natural Disasters: Severe thunderstorms with the potential for flooding and occasional tornadoes are possible.


July is typically the warmest month in Bay Village, with average temperatures reaching 74.5°F. Precipitation is around 3.8 inches, and the month has about 14 sunny days.

Activities: This is the peak time for beach outings, swimming, and water sports. The city’s Fourth of July celebrations, including fireworks and parades, are major highlights.

Natural Disasters: Thunderstorms and the occasional tornado can occur, necessitating vigilance during severe weather warnings.


August remains warm, with average temperatures at 73.3°F. Precipitation averages 3.5 inches, and there are about 13 sunny days.

Activities: Continuation of summer activities, such as beach visits, outdoor concerts, and enjoying local parks. August is also a great time for sailing and fishing on Lake Erie.

Natural Disasters: Thunderstorms and flash floods are potential risks during this month.


September marks the beginning of autumn, with average temperatures dropping to 66.5°F. The city receives about 3.8 inches of precipitation. There are around 12 sunny days in September.

Activities: Fall activities like apple picking, visiting pumpkin patches, and hiking in cooler weather are popular. The Bay Village Fall Festival is a notable event.

Natural Disasters: The risk of severe weather decreases, but thunderstorms and occasional heavy rain can still occur.


October brings cooler weather with average temperatures around 54.5°F. Precipitation decreases to 2.8 inches, and the month sees about 14 sunny days.

Activities: Fall foliage tours, Halloween events, and attending local football games are popular in October. The cooler temperatures make it ideal for outdoor hiking and other recreational activities.

Natural Disasters: Occasional early snowfalls can happen, but they are typically light and short-lived.


November continues the cooling trend, with average temperatures at 43.7°F. Precipitation is around 2.9 inches, with a mix of rain and snow. There are about 10 sunny days in November.

Activities: Preparing for winter holidays, indoor activities, and visiting local museums are common. Thanksgiving celebrations often involve family gatherings and community events.

Natural Disasters: Early winter storms can bring snow and ice, causing travel disruptions and power outages.


December sees the onset of winter, with average temperatures around 32.0°F. Precipitation is about 2.7 inches, mostly as snow. The month has around 9 sunny days.

Activities: Winter holiday activities, including Christmas events, decorating, and shopping, are popular. Outdoor ice skating and sledding at local parks are also enjoyable.

Natural Disasters: Lake-effect snowstorms can significantly impact the area, leading to heavy snowfall and hazardous travel conditions.

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